Hijinks from Fall 2009
I’m writing this while over Newfoundland. Fun fact: The Vikings came here way back when Vikings did stuff (not the Minnesota Vikings, who did nothing substantial until they signed a quarterback who I used to like. I wonder if I’ll hear anything about the NFL in Ireland). The Danish Vikings also founded Dublin. Funny how things transition so well. Kevin Bacon has to come into play here soon, right?
So far, my flights have been just fine. We sat on the tarmac for about 45 minutes before we took off from both Minneapolis and Chicago. The guy on in front of me on my flight over the “pond” was pretty fun. He was the first Irishman I interacted with. He had a nearly uncompromising accent and was very nice. He switched seats so my girlfriend could sit next to each other. He later had to be cut off by the flight attendant from his beers and his Jack. Good first interaction. More to come for you masses of loyal readers.
Afterword: I didn't get much sleep, and we landed well. Here's what I saw as I came in.