Sunday, August 30, 2009

Jet Lag is barely an excuse anymore

It also can't shield how little storage space I have in my apartment. Or how close my bed is to Victor's. But we have a large "European" flat. And we're in a gated community. Not like there is in Deephaven or Ladue, but still. Here are some snapshots of the place that I call home:

Today we did orientation stuff most of the day. Logistics, cultural awareness, etc. We had lunch on the IES Abroad dime and stopped in a pub next door to watch the semi-final of the Gaelic Athletic Association Football. Gaelic football is so HXC, or hardcore for you lameos. People are hitting and smashing and creaming each other. We then hopped on up to our Orientation for the Semster Start-Up program for Trinity. It's a 3 week class before the beginning of the real semester (since they can't call anything the same thing Americans call it, it's called Michaelmas) called Understanding Ireland. From what I understood at the orientation, it's that Irish professors hound their students if they don't drink all the wine they bought. Following that, the flatmates and I called it a night and came home, ready to start classes at 9 tomorrow morn.

1 comment:

  1. This blog is making me miss Ireland :(
    And I'm pretty sure I know where your flat is/passed it a million times while over there, crazy. And I definitely went by Smyth's more times than I can count.

    Hope you're having a great time!

    Elizabeth (from the Koenig Lab)
